Sunday, February 26, 2006

Under the influence of art

It's an old site and you may have seen it before, but if you feel like you've spent too much time farking or boinging or porning or blogging and need a bit of high-brow "culture," I've got a museum site for you to check out.

Now, this is not just any old hoity-toity museum.

This place features art your weird uncle may have painted in your grandparents' basement or something maybe your grandma whipped up at the Senior Citizens Center craft class.

It's all great stuff and even finer if you've raised a few pints already. Libations deepen the appreciation.

Go check out the
Museum of Bad Art. A collection they call "Art too bad to be ignored."

The piece I've pulled to feature is the painting that began it all - Lucy in the Field of Flowers.



Julie said...

That's a nice site, lots of nice groovy pieces

Newscoma said...

Christ on a cracker, Rodent Queen. That's just creepy.